Wednesday, December 26, 2007

December Cold and Christmas Baking

This month was a fun one! We decorated the tree (and Nanners didn't forget herself), hung lights and baked our little hearts out! It has been soooo cold the last few weeks that kids have only been able to go outside on a few days, but they take full advantage, even if they do have to bundle up so much they can hardly move. They also helped with holiday baking, making cookies, cinnimon rolls and sticky chex mix. Christmas pics will be soon to follow. ( in case your wondering, Annelise has a band aid on her nose because Logan bonked his and needed a band aid to make it better, makes perfect sense, right?)

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

10 week sneak Peak

Well, here s/he is!! I had my first ultrasound on Nov 19, which said I was at 10 weeks 2days. So now, that puts me at about 11 weeks. The dr said everything looked fine and all of my labs came back healthy, so, so far so good. My official due date has been set on June 15, which sounds FOREVER away!! My tummy is already rounding out and and pants are getting a little snug around the waistband, things are showing a heck of a lot faster this time around!! I remember with Annelise I could still wear my skinny jeans when I started seeing her kick. Now if that wasnt' a weird feeling, seeing those little bumps coming from a flat stomach!! But alas, this time around my stomach was definatetly not as flat to begin with, and things are a-stretching faster LOL. But at least I have been feeling better, the morning sickness is almost gone, so if I could just get my appetite back, I'll be as good as new. Right now the only thing that even sounds a little bit good is chips and salsa, I just love the salty of it and could eat it for every meal, either that or cheese quesodillas with salsa, yum. Well, at least it is not pickles and ice cream!!

Thursday, November 1, 2007

October surprise!!

So, our little family has had a pleasant surprise, yep, Bingham Baby #2 is on the way!! We found out at the middle of october, I havn't had a DR appt yet with an ultrasound, but the baby should be coming around June. We have started talking to Annelise about the new baby, but of course it makes NO sense to her, she just grabs one of her babies and points to it, then gives me a look like "DUH mom, here is my baby". Which, with good timing, she has suddenly taken an interest in playing babies. As far as the pregnancy goes. this one is making him/herself known a little more forcefully than AnniePearl did. I wake up feeling really well, but the nasea just gradually grows until all I want to do is put my head in a toilet and hope I puke! At the moment I am trying Ginger tea (which, BTW is disgusting) but it seems to be helping. Tomorrow I am baking ginger snaps, a much tastier way of getting ginger, if you ask me.

But I know that I havn't posted in a month, so of course have a months worth of pictures to share. Halloween was a hit this year, the kids dressed up and we hit the RS hospital and mall for our trick or treating. They were all so cute, heather as a princess pixie, annelise as a ladybug, ryan as a pirate and logan, well, logan went as a stubborn three year old LOL! but they got the hang of trick or treating pretty quick, they learned to just elbow thier way to front and hold out their buckets. The first sucker anniePearl got just made her day, all night long she had to show everyone her sucker.

Also you can't go through fall without a few pics of kids jumping in leaves. Sara made a huge pile and all the kids just loved wrestling in the leaves. I posted a fun then and now pic. One is annelise in october a year ago playing in the leaves and some from just yesterday. It is fun to go back and see just how much she has changed, how much my baby has grown in one year. and now we are going to have another new baby to cuddle, I just can't hardly stand it!!

Okay, so I just figured out one of my online scrappy buddies (Angel bear) tagged my blog so here goes!!1.Link to the person that tagged you and post the rules on your blog.
2. Share 7 random and/or weird facts about yourself (on your blog, we all want to know them). Tag 7 random people at the end of your post and include links to their blogs.
7 random things:
1. I love the smell of vanilla
2. I chew my fingernails
3. I still get a kick out of writing in ink other than black and blue
4. I love, love my photo printer
5. I am jeleaous of my husband being able to go scuba diving this month
6. I hate getting up before 8 in the morning
7. I can only scrapbook at night

Links: (okay I know Laura already got you, but, I don't know that many people with blogs!

Okay so I can only list one other blog that Laura hasn't already, but check out these ladies blogs!

October Pics

Monday, September 24, 2007


So, it

has been awhile, this month has been a little different. We (as in Sara and I and now Jason) are finally getting settled in and learning what this place has to offer.We are all signed up for mom and tot swim lessons in octover and I am now an official member of the Seppie Telecommunications Volleyball team. Yep, I've got my out of shape A** running and jumping pretending like I can still play volleyball. and let me tell you my a** is sure feeling it today. Yesterday we played two games back to back and I have used muscles that thought they were retired! but it is all in fun, Sara is there also and we have met some really cool ladies from GR and RS. It lets us get away from the kids for an afternoon, anyway.

and speaking of kids, the four cousins are getting to be peas in a pod. I have never seen anything more hilarious than when they all get to giggling and wrestling together. and yes, they do wrestle already, its like watching a pack of puppies. Logan was teaching AnniePearl how to tackle and of course she practiced on Everyone. Heather and Annelise are starting to play together, even playing pretend. It is just so much fun to see them act out their pretend worlds. Annelise and Ryan, however, well, lets just say they are the same age and therefore always want the same things at the same time, which usually results in screaming, hitting, biting and fighting on both sides. And here I thought my little girl was an absolute angel. Well, at least she is learning how to fight back a little.

We also had a visit from Brittney this weekend. She could only make it up for a day, but we were all really glad to see her, especially Annelise. She just loves giggling with her aunt. They spent the whole day entertaining each other. although for some reason, Annelise persisted in called her Grandma, hhhmmm, will have to work on that.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Fun August pictures

Well, now that I am a little bit caught up, I've got some time to sit down and really update my blog!! This weekend was a busy one, everyone came up to help Sara and Dan move into their new, beautiful home. (just a little bit green here, but I know, my time is coming). I am really happy that were ended up here together. We have just about gottten all of our favorite parks scoped out, have made our scrappy contact at the LSS and found a couple of building for our future daycare center that we want to open! The plan for a home daycare together is full steam ahead mode. In fact, our first kid will be here on monday, (Okay, so it is Ryan, I know he is easy, but its a start). But it is our goal to be in full operation by the end of the month. Sara and I are going to get our elbow grease out and get everything done next week, then it is just the waiting game.

We also took a couple of days and visited our Grandparents in Crowheart, it was really nice to see Grandma and Grandpa and Dad. The kids just love going up there and this time threw a big fit when it was time to leave. G&G had a good time just laughing a the three of them and they got an earful from each of them. and of course, Grandma had a batch of chicks one of her hens managed to hatch. Got all three of them excited! Poor hen didn't know what was going on with three toddlers screaming at her babies. But here are just some fun pictures from the last few weeks