Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Well, I had to try it, Annelise and her first pony tail! She is finally getting enough hair so that a rubber band will stay in it. However, the result is a little Flintstoneish, thinking of calling her Pebbles!! :-) But I was surprised she actually left it in all day, and when we took it out, she looked like a rock star with a mohawk!
the third pic, however is a little demonstration of her temper, which she shows very quickly if she doesn't get what she wants, she s ONLY ONE!! she is not supposed to be a little diva yet, but I tell you what, she is oppinionated and not afraid to let you know what she thinks!! I don't know what I am going to do when she turns two, send her to her Aunt's, I think, let AnnePearl boss her around for a awhile :-). But it is fun to see that she has so much spunk and personality, I don't think she will be afraid to go after anything she wants!

Friday, January 19, 2007

Just for you Dad!

WE finally had a nice day that was at least 20 deg, so we packed all the kids in a wagon and went for a walk. Afterwards, we played in the snow drift outside the house. The kids were just so cooped up from being inside so much, it was a fight to get them to come back inside!
Just clost up of Anne Pearl and her rosy cheeks. She was so bundled up that she could hardly move or see~
Logan went with His Mom and Dad for the day to SLC, so we got to hang out with Heather all day. The highlight of the day was story time and seeing "Moose" the mouse and all the fish in the tank. The girls had fun listening to the story and dancing to the music.
Heather found the colors and the coloring pages the kids library had for all kids. She sat there for quite a while coloring her picture.
Anne Pearl just had fun pulling all the books off the shelf and turning pages. But she also danced to the music and banged sticks like the big kids.

We all met up in Rock Springs one lazy saturday and had lunch at Applebees, where all the kids got balloons. Annelise just loved her balloon and wouldn't put it down until she finally crashed that night.
However, a great tragedy would orrur: the balloon would get stuck on the ceiling. I have not seen Annelise that devastated over a toy!
She just cried and pointed at her balloon, until someone would rescue it for her. Then she would just giggle hesterically when she would get it back.
Then all was okay with the world again, at least until she let go of the string again :-)