Monday, September 24, 2007


So, it

has been awhile, this month has been a little different. We (as in Sara and I and now Jason) are finally getting settled in and learning what this place has to offer.We are all signed up for mom and tot swim lessons in octover and I am now an official member of the Seppie Telecommunications Volleyball team. Yep, I've got my out of shape A** running and jumping pretending like I can still play volleyball. and let me tell you my a** is sure feeling it today. Yesterday we played two games back to back and I have used muscles that thought they were retired! but it is all in fun, Sara is there also and we have met some really cool ladies from GR and RS. It lets us get away from the kids for an afternoon, anyway.

and speaking of kids, the four cousins are getting to be peas in a pod. I have never seen anything more hilarious than when they all get to giggling and wrestling together. and yes, they do wrestle already, its like watching a pack of puppies. Logan was teaching AnniePearl how to tackle and of course she practiced on Everyone. Heather and Annelise are starting to play together, even playing pretend. It is just so much fun to see them act out their pretend worlds. Annelise and Ryan, however, well, lets just say they are the same age and therefore always want the same things at the same time, which usually results in screaming, hitting, biting and fighting on both sides. And here I thought my little girl was an absolute angel. Well, at least she is learning how to fight back a little.

We also had a visit from Brittney this weekend. She could only make it up for a day, but we were all really glad to see her, especially Annelise. She just loves giggling with her aunt. They spent the whole day entertaining each other. although for some reason, Annelise persisted in called her Grandma, hhhmmm, will have to work on that.